Reach Me ヾ(•ω•`)o
Hello ヾ(^▽^*)))
If you wanna reach me, I am available in various accounts and platforms. You can click the following icons for more details.
Social Media and Forum
Support Me (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
Or, if you wanna support me, you can use these widgets on the bottom corners, or these following buttons.
Local (Indonesia)
Nih Buat Jajan

International (Outside of Indonesia)
Buy Me Coffee
then input your donation there.
Contact Form (*^_^*)
You can also contact me through email via this form below. As long as it's a real email, I am gonna respond to it.
Commissions or Services \^o^/
If you want me to post something or make a thorough review about something, you can ask me through Ko-Fi button below, or through LinkedIn services below, or just contact me through email. Whichever comfortable for you :)